Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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To Cox Farms together

Last Saturday we went to Cox Farms with the whole family, that was a lot of fun.

This is the fourth year were visiting, and the first time on a busy Saturday. We arrived at 9.45 am so we were there when it opened. The highlight was the hay ride -- especially the part where we got "stuck" in a trench. There were more actors than on the weekdays we attended in the past, that was nice.


Planters on Quincy

The new bike lane on Quincy was made even better today when planters were placed along it.

Pretty exciting, and since I took Fairfax Dr home today I didn't see them until a fellow bicyclist tweeted about them. After the kids were in bed I went to check it out.

Looks like a good improvement.


Riding a bicycle in New York City

My afternoon appointment was in downtown Manhattan, about 50 minutes by bicycle from our mid-town office.

It was a little intimidating at first, but it was a lot of fun to see the new infrastructure along Broadway. Long stretches of that street have nice, bike-friendly intersections and clear bike lanes. Closer to downtown things become more chaotic -- there were a lot of cars parked where protected bike lanes could be built. But that's the Dutchman in my talking -- the American in me is quite impressed with what has been achieved so far.

Using the Citibike was interesting too. In the beginning the saddle was a little wobbly but I managed to tighten it up. New York is nice and flat so that helped.

My trip took 52 minutes, cost $6 and was 6.5 miles.


Working with Leo

Working with the kids on their Dutch is my happy place -- it is so rewarding to teach them and a great bonding experience. Leo is slowly stopping his naps, and he's kind of ready to start "working" with me.

Nora finished kern 10 today -- two more to go and she'll have completed Veilig Leren Lezen. She used her new Loco Maxi for the first time today.

Leo slept for a full hour, which is relatively short, but when he woke up he was fresh. I took him downstairs and we started working together for the first time. He did 3 Loco's, 3 Bobo worksheets and now he's working on the iPod with the Juf Jannie apps.

Adrian shows no signs of stopping his naps yet (good for him!). He's done several Bobo worksheets too but we haven't really had much time to work together yet. All in due time.



Sasha made бухтички for breakfast today. The word бухтички is very similar to буквички and that caused some funny confusion.

Adrian overheard us talking about what we're going to do, and he asked: "papa, gaan jullie letters maken?"

Later when they were on the table, Adrian asked again: "kun je daar mee leren?"


Doing Loco for the first time

Leo woke up fresh around 4.00 pm and he did his first Loco. We did the first two exercises together.

Later Nora came downstairs and she helped Leo with the third exercise.

Hippo House

Leo and Adrian first day of pre-K

Leo and Adrian went to pre-K for the first time today. Their first visit was 1 hour long, from 9.30 am to 10.30 am. We brought them, hand in hand.

We had told them in the morning (which was a hectic morning since Nora has a cold), and they reacted quite well.

When it was time to put their boots on, Adrian said goodbye to his toys: "Dag, ik ga naar school, ik ga leren lezen".

Leo, while talking, had some doubt. "Papa ik ben nog niet helemaal groot". I agreed but explained that there were kids at school that needed Leo's help. That worked, and he said he was going to teach them how to "een ei met de schil snijden".

The drop-off involved some tears from both of them but was quick and efficient.

An hour later we picked them up. Adrian: "het was heel leuk op school!" "Er was ook een helper en die vroeg iets maar dat wist ik niet" (he couldn't understand her). When we were outside, a girl looked out of the window of Adrian's class and waived at him. He waived back.

Leo had a more difficult time. Jean explained that he had cried for quite a bit, but afterwards calmed down so we gave him some more time and picked him up a little later.

Later Adrian shared that he had made a tower ("welke kleur? blauw!" -- de toren is roze haha). He also said: "Juf Leslie zegt dat ik nooit met de boerderij mag spelen!" -- de boerderij is aantrekkelijk maar wordt gebruikt om te leren lezen.


Nora's first day at school

I picked Nora up at 4.00 pm at the bus stop. She was the last one of the bus so I asked the driver to call her -- she didn't realize this was her stop. She was happy and not overly tired.

Her best quote was:

"Papa, de juf zegt dat de eerste dag op school altijd de leukste is".
"Oh, en was het leuk?"
"Het was hartstikke leuk!"

When Leo woke up and came downstairs, he immediately hugged Nora. When Adrian woke up 30 minutes later, his first question was: "is Nora beneden?" (They might be worried she'll disappear again, like she did in the summer).

She has her first homework assignment, a collage that's due next Monday. She went to sleep at 7.45 pm.


To the basisschool

A big milestone today -- Nora left for Taylor elementary today, where she will start first grade.

We all woke up early, except Nora, who was calm and happy.

Below is also a picture of Nora learning about the lockers -- this is from a tweet from the school.

Hippo House

A look in the school

We went for a walk on Saturday and to get the boys acquainted with the school we walk to AMH. Jean was working there and she offered us to take a peak inside which was great. Another chance for the boys to see their classrooms, which will help them get used to everything.


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