Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Selling our baby gear

We're cleaning out the basement and so we're selling our old baby gear. It makes us a little nostalgic, but it's also nice to clean up and get more space in the house.

The double stroller went to a family with two kids who are consolidating strollers. One of the high chairs went to a family who already had one of the model but wanted one at their aunt's as well. The "baby cage" went to a lady who'll use it for her small dog. The running stroller we sold to a lady who turned out to be a co-worker.

The car seats are more difficult to sell, though we just sold the oldest one (Nora's green one).

Hippo House

Three years at school

Nora's teacher, Ms Leslie, shared a wonderful collection of photo's of Nora from the past three years. It was so nice to see her working on all these projects.


Fixing window screens

Today I fixed a few of the mesh screens in our house. Leo and Adrian had a period where they liked to poke their tiny fingers through the mesh, and several bedroom windows and downstairs windows were damaged.

I watched a explanation on YouTube and in the late afternoon went to Home Depot to pick up the equipment.

On my way home from Home Depot I saw a car from Screen Mobile, a commercial service for restoring screens. No need to call them.

It wasn't hard to do, and it's nice to no longer have these ugly holes in the window screens.


Transportation Master Plan

We went to the County again, the third time in three months, to give feedback for a revision of the Transportation Master Plan.

There are positive developments in County policy, and it's good to come out and support the good cause.



We're taking care of 5 chicks this weekend -- Stella, a larger chick, and four recently hatched chicks. It's been really nice to have them in the house, very cozy.


Een kabel

It has been raining for several days in a row, and yesterday when it cleared up we went to the Bluemont creek so see it after all the rain. As expected, the water level was high and it was fun to watch.

Nora asked: "Kun je in dat water zwemmen?" and I explained no, it's not for swimming because of the current ("Er staat een flinke stroming.").

The next day over breakfast, we were talking about this again and Leo told Sasha that the water wasn't for swimming because има кабел -- there's a cable. Later he told me "er was een kabel".

It took us a while to figure out, but Leo translated "stroming" into "stroom" which goes through a cable (кабел)...


Bike to Work Day 2018

For the first time, I made it to a pitstop on Bike to Work Day. The event ends at 9.00 am, and at 8.45 am I was in Ballston.


First work on the new sidewalk

This week the County started working on the first phase of the new sidewalk at Johnson and 13th Street. In the median of Kirkwood there'll be a new bio-retention element, which is what they've started on.

Per an email from the County: "The NC street improvement element is currently at 75% design review comments, and will likely be ready for a neighborhood final design meeting by early 2019."


An open redirect...

Hmmm, I'm not very proud of this but it looks like my site has had an open redirect for a good while. Years, in fact.

It's a custom script that I wrote 15 years ago and somehow survived the migration from the various CMS that I've used.

The original script had a reference to Php-Nuke from 2002. I've now removed it, finally.


To the "far away playground"

The weather is amazing -- spring has really arrived -- and we went for a walk to the 'ver wegge speeltuin'. The kids hadn't been there is a while so that was nice. It's a beautiful walk over Key Blvd and through Lyon Village.

Tuesday night we had dinner outside and Judy joined us. Friday after dinner we went to the taverna for a while.

We also went to Home Depot to get new play sand; it ends up in the yard quickly. Told the boys that "feeding the plants" with sand isn't necessary.

It's good to be outside again.


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