Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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A nerd's joy ;)

Didn't quite fix the minix-network card problem yet; but the good news is that the target PC recognizes the card (a 386 with 4MB). Would be cool to run Minix on that little one :) I had to fix some jumpers for the harddisk I wanted to use, and I found out it still had Windows 95 on it. So I booted... and yes, it worked! Never expected that a machine with 4 MB would be able to startup Win95. After I installed the CD-ROM (and found a win95 cd somewhere) I'd be able to install the network card and thus: Terminal Services Client! Oh -- that rulez, so hard :)


NE2000 under Minix

Spent a few hours last night trying to get Minix to recognize one of my network cards. The NE2000 now works; that is: it recognizes the Ethernet address. Now the network protocol part. Somebody wrote in a newsgroup that if the F5 network dumps give all zeros (like my machine does), a wrong IRQ is a likely cause. Let's see.


Minix Showmem script

Made a nice script today to have both the kernel and memory manager's output in a file. So most of the debug stuff is ready; I can start implementing the memory compacting algoritm. Looking forward to that.



With this new thing, Blogger, I will keep the interested visitor updated about the things I'm doing. Today I'm working for my practical work Operating Systems; adding some functionality to Minix. I'm optimizing a debug system call, which dumps the memory managers' impression about the memory in use & free to the screen.


Well, all right -- as you can see my website is a bit changed... thanks Jeewee for the help!



I have been quoted in a Danish course.


Download section

There is a download section, with all the funny attachments you just don't want in your mail box.


Jaap on Internet

My father has been on internet for quite a while, now with an article about his project at his work.


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