Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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In 2004 I moved from the Netherlands to the United States, and it's been great to experience a new culture from up close. I like to keep track of new English words and expressions that I learn over time.

Some of these words were completely new to me and for others I wasn't very sure about their precise meaning.

Word Description When foundsort ascending
twofer 11/03/2008
sucrets 11/02/2008
malarkey 10/24/2008
tomfooling 07/30/2008
whippersnapper 07/18/2008
La-Z-Boy Chair 07/15/2008
Jake brake 07/12/2008
ennui 07/07/2008
blotter 06/30/2008
on a lark 06/26/2008
Rube Goldberg 06/22/2008
Apotropaically 05/21/2008
psephologist 05/16/2008
skate to where the puck is going 05/08/2008
monkey bar 05/07/2008
seersucker 05/07/2008
blue light special 04/28/2008
bogey 04/09/2008
on the lam 03/18/2008
diddybag 03/17/2008
obdurate 03/12/2008
leonine 03/12/2008
Three card monte 03/05/2008
persnickety 02/19/2008
to cream 02/14/2008


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