Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Red Church near Perushtitsa

The Red Church near Perushtitsa.On Friday morning Milan, Sasha and I went to the Red Church (Червената църква), about 2 kilometers south of Perushtitsa.

The church, dating from the 5th or 6th century, is a symbol for the city of Perushtitsa and it has been placed on UNESCO's list of world heritage sites.

I have visited Perushtitsa a number of times but somehow never went to see the ruins of the church before.

The red church, about 2 kilometers from Perushtitsa.

A part of the building is supported by a frame.

In front of Perushtitsa's Red Church.

Some of the church's original frescoes are still visible. To protect them from wear and and tear by weather, many have been moved in 2003 to the History Museum in Perushtitsa.


Lovely picture!


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