Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Server downtime

In the last week the server for this website has experienced three outages. There seems to be something wrong with the fan on the motherboard (just like 2 years ago). Today's cause was not related to the fan, but there was a power outage in my parent's house and the main fuse switched off.

If the situation continues I might have to replace a part or some parts on the server.

I have access to a world-class monitoring system, so I receive a text message on my cell phone as soon as the web server is unreachable, and get nice reports on its availability (94.7% in the last 24 hours).


Sycamore Trail, Umstead Park

Sycamore Trail, Umstead Park.Today I hiked on another trail in the William B. Umstead Park. Last week I started at the Reddy Creek entrance, and today I started from the main visitor center and took the Sycamore Trail.

The weather was very nice. It was warmer than last week, and I had no need for the jacket that I had brought just in case.

I spent a few hours in the woods, and walked around 7.5 miles. It's great to spend some time outdoors. Some pictures.


Presidential Candidates: Barack Obama

Barack ObamaThe presidential elections are less than two years away so candidates for both parties are starting to express interest in running.

One of the candidates that has announced last week to set up an exploratory committee is Barack Obama.

He is an interesting candidate because he is African American and relatively young and he has received a lot of positive buzz in the last year or so. I'd read some articles about him but never really heard him speak.

I found a nice TV fragment about him on YouTube: watch Barack Obama on the Daily Show.


Piet Hein Eek Huis damaged

Piet Hein Eek Huis.On January 18th there was a big storm in the Netherlands, and it damaged the huisje near Tibor and Janneke's home in IJburg, Amsterdam.

The official name of the huisje is the Piet Hein Eek Huis. It was originally built as an ecological house for the Floriade exhibition in the Netherlands and placed on IJburg later. Tibor and Janneke together with their neighbors made sure the huisje stayed on IJburg as a place for social events.

Here is a movie of the damage that the storm did to the house. There is also a movie on the transfer of the huisje to the people in IJburg a while ago.

Let's hope the huisje will be repaired soon!


A visit to Szolnok, Hungary

At Daniel and Erika's.Last December Sasha and I made a trip from Bulgaria to Hungary, where we visited our friends Daniel, Erika and Martijn.

Daniel and Erika bought a new house a year ago and it was great to see their new place. Martijn had the same idea as we did to visit Hungary between Christmas and New Year's so this was a nice opportunity for all of us to meet.

When we arrived at Daniel & Erika's place Erika had cooked a delicious dinner and we spent our time talking and we had a very good time.

We stayed one night in Szolnok. It was short (never long enough!) but it was great to meet in person; much better than by phone or online. We left the next day around 3.00 pm to Budapest, and while we were planning to meet the next morning, that didn't work out due to a sudden illness.

Still, it was a very nice visit. Some pictures of our visit to Szolnok.


William B. Umstead Park

William B. Umstead Park.Yesterday I went for a walk in the William B. Umstead Park.

This State Park is located between Durham and Raleigh. The entrance to the park is actually from the highway I take to work, the I40, but I had never really paid attention to the signs. The other day my colleagues recommended the park.

I started at the Reedy Creek entrance and I walked the Company Mill Trail, a little under 6 miles. It was cold but sunny and a great day to go for a walk like this, and I enjoyed it.

I walked for two hours and 15 minutes. Some pictures.



Dreamgirls.Yesterday we went to see Dreamgirls in Southpoint's cinema.

The movie won 3 Golden Globes last week. One of the awards went to Jennifer Hudson, and deservedly so because her performance was stellar.

It was a pleasant movie to watch with beautiful camera work and great acting. The movie is based on a Broadway musical and there is a lot of singing in the movie.


Meeting Irina and Vladi

Irina, Guus and Vladi.On the 2nd last day of 2006 we went to Plovdiv to see Vladi and meet his girlfriend Irina for the first time.

We went to the Vienska Salon in the main street in Plovdiv. We had coffee and it was nice to spend time together and chat.


Pilot Mountain

Pilot Mountain.Today we went for a hike on Pilot Mountain.

The mountain is located in a National Park about 25 miles north of Winston-Salem and about two hours from our house. We arrived in the park at 1.30 pm and we had lunch at the picknick tables there. It's fantastic that we can have lunch outdoors in January!

We walked 2 trails; the first one was the hardest. It was 2 miles and classified as "strenuous". The first 15 minutes weren't very interesting, but when we were deeper in the wood it became beautiful and it was great to walk through nature. The second trail was much easier, about a mile long, and made a circle around the top of the mountain.

On the way back we picked up some really nice vegetables at a Farmer's Market near the highway.


First bike ride in Durham

Bikes.Today I went for a bike ride, for the first time since we moved to Durham.

I spent an hour cleaning and checking the bike and realized in time that fixing a squeaking break with oil would not be a good idea.

I went to the American Tobacco Trail. The trail is nice, but it takes a while to get there as it starts in downtown Durham. All in all I spend about 2,5 hours on the bike. The weather was nice.

In the evening I went to a bike shop near Wholefoods to ask about bicycle maps, but there aren't any for this area. Bicycling is less popular here than in Washington.


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