Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Working on the 4th assignment of Formal Methods: an analysis of the bounded retransmission protocol. This is a protocol designed by Philips, used in remote controls for TV's.


Results of the NK tournament in Haarlem

We had 54 people playing today in the tournament. Ettie brought here digital camera (thanks!) I've made quite a lot of pictures but I haven't been able to connect the camera to my computer yet.

Hans Baert is this weekend's big winner: yesterday he won the worldcup qualifications in Weesp and today he was number 1 here in Haarlem! The other person who will play in Eindhoven is Frans de Bode, an honourable third place is for Harry Rood.

Ettie, Mieke and Jaap also participated.


Awake already

Due to a broken alarm we're awake already -- it was 50 minutes ahead. At least we'll be on time for the tournament :)

Just heard that the demonstration will be in the same place as the tournament -- BC de Fjord, Paul Krugerkade 6.


Back from Haarlem

Boekhandel H. de VriesWe came back from a really nice game-demonstration. The shop we were in -boekhandel de Vries- is a big bookshop in the center of Haarlem. There were a lot of people coming in, and we explained many games.

I learned how to explain In De Ban Van de Ring today; I played it once with Jerry and Marjolein but that was a long time ago. We didn't bring the game ourselves, but a girl came by who asked if we could explain it. I told her I couldn't because we didn't have it, but then she went home and fetched her own.

Petra also came to see us; she played a game De Hobbit. After all this games we really want to play ourselves... so when Steven comes, he'll have no choice :)


Game weekend

Another game-weekend! Tomorrow there'll be a demonstration, Sunday both a tournament and demo. And Monday we'll see Marjolein & Jerry for a Steden & Ridders.

Sasha and I will be working both days, it's all here in Haarlem! So we don't have to leave at 7:00 (like when we left for Amersfoort or Leeuwarden). Ettie and my parents will play on Sunday.
There's also a third event, the WK qualifications in Weesp. Rob and Jerry will do that one.


  • Boekhandel de Vries, Gedempte Oude Gracht 27

  • Sunday:

  • Paul Krugerkade 6, Haarlem (tournament)
  • Game Time, Gen. Cronjéstraat 47 (demo)
  • internet

    Congratulations, Google!

    GoogleGoogle is celebrating it's 4th anniversary today.

    They are now the most popular search engine on the web, and still growing in popularity. A feature they are currently testing is their news website, a digest of about 4000 news sources. The cool thing is that it's generated automatically, without any human intervention.



    Yesterday evening I've installed an e-mail server on So I should be able to receive e-mail at from now.

    If you could try it: please do. We're still thinking about which movie to see tonight, so suggestions are very welcome!


    Sex in the City

    Okay, okay... I'm at work now but I just couldn't help noticing this interesting article on

    There will be a sex-museum in New York! Big news of course. The museum in Amsterdam is also briefly mentioned.


    3rd assignment

    ABP before and after bcg_min

    I've been working on the 3rd assignment of Formal Methods today.

    The assignments basically involve describing various systems in a formal language, and then generating a state-space of it. There are a number of tricks to reduce this state-space, while some properties will still hold. This way it's easy to prove certain behaviour.


    Daniël left

    He's on the bus, it takes about 26 hours before he's in Hungary...


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