Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Clocks in Venezuela falling behind

A strange story today on MSNBC: clocks in Venezuela are ticking slower than in other parts of the world.

This is because many (simple) clocks take the power-line AC frequency to calculate the current time. Due to the power-crises in Venezuela the power suppliers are not able to garantuee a perfect 60 Hz frequency anymore...


Internet café Mount Everest

There was a time when climbing the Mount Everest was a huge thing but that's long ago.

Thousands of members of expeditions each year are expected to be using a new internet café, which will be at a height of 5 kilometers above sea-level. The internet connection will be established using a satellite.


Happy birthday©

I never knew that the song 'Happy Birthday to You' is protected by copyright. This story however, describes the history of the song and the copyright transfers.

For private use you don't have to pay royalties but for commercial use you do. The song generates about $2 million in royalties annually.

From the article:
The next time you hear "Happy Birthday" in a movie -- and now that you’re listening, it won’t be long -- stay for the credits at the end of the movie.


Voting story

On Slashdot I found an interesting article about the computer problems that caused the American national TV stations to be so wrong in their predictions of who would be president.

"There was not enough collaboration between the networks and the IT people. And, worse, there was nothing we could do about it. You can't postpone an election."


Exam question Computer Science

Ha! Just found out where our teachers get our examination questions...

From the Computer Science Question Generator!

"You have 7 matrices and 4 graphs. Which one has normal form. Use flowcharts. Be
sure to refer to Quantum Theory in your answer."


Pioneers of Computing

My father pointed me out to 'Pioneers of Computing'.

Atanasoff -the Bulgarian inventor of the computer- is 3rd on the list.


Moving face

Dominique.On Bieslog there's a link to an interesting moving face.


Mirry's place

It's always nice to see that other people I know have a website as well. Mirjam started one to keep everybody up-to-date on the daily life of Linda in Suriname.

The site is called Mirry's place.


Torentjes race

The VARA has an online competition on your knowledge about polical parties in the Netherlands.

You'll have to play the role of the 8 party leaders and answer a lot of questions about them and their party.

The winner of this tournament will get a real (used) parliament seat!


Nice clock


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