Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Links & Technology


30 years

Man on the moon.Today it's precisely 30 years ago that there was somebody on the moon.



EconomistsSee economists in action... (Flash). There are a lot of other funny Flash things on the website of the creator.

Link sent by Tibi.


Escher in Lego

Janneke e-mailed me about a project on creating Escher's paintings with Lego.

The small image here shows Escher's "Ascending and Descending", with the famous eternal stairs.


Star Wars Asciimation

C3PO.There are many computer people addicted to the Star Wars movies. And although I'm not one of them I like this link Mats send me.

It's a small Star Wars movie, but made using only ASCII characters. The guy making this has been working on it since 1997...

The homepage of the creator is here.


Orphan Nigerian Prince

Everybody knows about the famous e-mails coming from Nigeria of 'troubled business men' who are in a 'temporary difficult position' but with loads of money on a foreign bank account, if only...

Here's a guy who actually wrote back to one of this e-mails, this time from a 'poor young African orphan Nigerian Prince'. Funny read. (through Tonie).


Droste, droste, droste...

Something less theoretical now than my internship -- be sure to sit stable while you look at this movie...


Groene Amsterdammer online

Tonie pointed out that de Groene Amsterdammer -a Dutch weekly- has put a big part of it's archive online.

You can search all the articles between 1877 and 1940 for free.

Of course I searched on 'Hooimarkt' and I found this nice commercial from 1917:

De Mercuurtegel kraait victorie.



Illusion.Petra sent me this cool PowerPoint sheet: Illusion.pps.

You won't believe your eyes!


To Mars!

Guus is expanding its audience to outer space. The name Guus is on a DVD that will be in NASA's Mars Exploration Rover. I have an official certificate to prove it!

"Together, we will journey into space to discover and understand the many wonders of our universe."

Let's hope it works. The previous campaign was a big succes. However, the Mars Polar Lander and its CD-ROM mysteriously disappeared when it was preparing to land on Mars in 2000.


Games & Mathematics

Picture from the scientific paper about TetrisI found this interesting article on Slashdot today. Three mathematicians at MIT proved that Tetris is NP-complete to solve. That is: if you know in advance the exact order the pieces will fall, it is NP-complete (ie: there is no smart algorithm for it) to maximize your score. The original article is here, it's quite readable for non-mathematicians too.

In the past similar results have been established for other games (for example Minesweeper). Pacman however, has 1 perfect solution (to eat every dot, every energizer, every blue man and every fruit up to and including board 256 will give you a total of 3,333,360 points).


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