Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Consecutive run

I ran again today. I hardly ever run two days in a row but the weather was great after a thunderstorm. Took it easy. Left knee doesn't love consecutive runs but it went well.

4 miles

New shoes make all the difference

A few days ago I had a very painful run. My old injury in the lower left leg came back and I had to walk more than 25% of the route.

After the run I immediately ordered new shoes -- my previous ones were from November 2010 and completely worn-out. The shoes arrived yesterday and I went out for a run just now.

What a difference! I felt my leg but not strongly and I ran with only my usual walking breaks. Such a relief.

4 miles
42 minutes

Durham Bulls vs Lousville Bats

Friday night Milan and I went to see a Durham Bulls game.

We saw the Louisville Bats beat the Durham Bulls with 9-8, but it was a fun evening.


Cannonball Half Marathon, Greensboro, NC

This morning I ran the Cannonball Half Marathon in Greensboro, NC. It was my first half marathon in 18 months, and given my lack of training while we were traveling earlier this year, I wasn't sure how this would go.

I'm so happy with the result! My time was 2:06, only a few minutes short of my P.R. and I felt great. I really should do this more often.

In fact, I only decided on Thursday to sign up for this race. I hadn't ran since last weekend -- lots of obligations this week made running in the evening impossible -- and I decided to take advantage of this unplanned tapering.

Early in Greensboro

Greensboro is an hour driving due west of Durham, and I got up at 5.00 am to make it to the start line. The race was well organized, and I liked the fact that they had mile markers on every mile. It was great weather for a run -- at the start it was 45 degrees, two hours later about 58 degrees. After the race there was a band playing Blues Brothers music.

Negative splits

I really tried to control my pacing this race. Usually, I start a little too fast in the first two miles, for which I'd pay the price later on. I set myself the goal to finish within 2:15, which is pretty much a 10 minutes per mile, but with the understanding that if I felt strong half-way the race I could speed up. It has been 18 months since my last race, so I didn't want to start too fast.


3.5 miles after trip DC

Monday evening after I came back from a weekend in DC I ran 3.5 miles, the usual course.

4 miles

10 miles again

Ran the same route as last week, 2 minutes faster.

11 miles
120 minutes

Run in the rain, 37 degrees - 10.3 minutes/mile

I'll be honest: I was really not looking forward to running today. It's very grey, rainy and cold.

But as always; after the run I feel great. Did a short run, my usual early morning run but now at 5.00 pm, and was faster than usual. Ran until just around that corner, the first pole. 33 minutes. It was 37 degrees, raining and dark. Feel great. Soaking wet but my phone is fine.

3 miles
33 minutes

Saturday run in Somerset

The first time I went for a run in Somerset on Saturday morning. I did Pierce Street, to fields, back over Elizabeth. Maybe 30 minutes? Haven't run in 4 days, stiff legs. Little bit of a headache -- it's been a long week. But run felt good.


Longer run in Somerset

Thursday I went for a run around 5.00 pm. From the office to the wheat field, back over Cedar Grove and Pierce St. Felt great. Back to work after that.

65 minutes

Run in Secaucus

Went for a run Sunday morning in Secaucus. To the Junction and back, along the nice path in Harmond Cove. 50 minutes I think.

50 minutes


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