Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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It would be great if it is true that Job Cohen is the candidate prime minister of the Labour party. Yesterday he said:

,,We hebben vreemdelingen hier gehaald om werk op te knappen waar we zelf geen trek meer in hadden. We hebben ze daarvoor nog nodig. [...] Vergis je niet: bij veel allochtonen is er een enorme gretigheid om het in Nederland te gaan maken, een gretigheid die ik bij autochtonen wel eens mis.''

(,,We took foreigners to do the jobs we don't feel like doing. We still need them for that. [...] Don't be mistaken: many foreigners are very eager to go for it in Holland, an eagerness I don't always see in the natives.")


Jaap's picture

The most important job for the coming ministers is creating an atmosphere of civil peace. After these months of pre-civil-war between groups of inhabitants of our country we urgently need a period of restoring good relationships.

Be it in bad economic circumstances or in a blooming economy, hate, misunderstandings and non-cooperation between members of one society would be a greater disaster than relative poverty.

We don't want a Salmon, racing to survive the race upstream and doing anything to be the first, without caring for other fishes.

The economy has come to a point when unpleasant but highly needed reforms have to be considered. Cure is never sweet and it becomes even bitterer is we postpone it. So, good luck, "Salmon".

Jaap is right about the civil peace. Too bad it's usually impossible to find the right answers about the economy and the policy concerning refugees and immigration in one and the same party, not even in a particular political stream. Sasha

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