Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Pictures Dijkgatsbos, II

Pictures.Here are about 40 pictures of the weekend in the Dijkgatsbos when Jaap celebrated his 60th birthday.

Guests included: Ankie, Anneke, Anouk, Arienne, Arne, Carel, Christianne, Cock, Dieuwke, Diny, Ettie, Eva, Eveline, Frank, Gea, Gerben, Gerrit, Gerrit, Guus, Jaap, Jan, Jean-Paul, Jelly, Jennie, Jerry, Johan, Joost, Kirsten, Len, Maarten, Marieke, Marjolein, Mieke, Nicky, Paula, Peggy, Peter, Ria, Rob, Roel, Ronald, Sophie, Steven, Tibor and Twan. For the first time in many years all the cousins were together, that was pretty cool.

See also Steven's pictures.


Loaded caravan.

Setting up a Dutch flag at the entrance.

Happy birthday!

The first guests arrived! Peter & Christianne & kids.

Setting up camp; uncle Peter on the right.

Rob and Anouk.

Tibor, Guus and Ronald.


Jaap with two beautiful women at his side.

Steven, Mieke and Gea.

Delicious foods.

Installing a tennis game.

Arne, Eva and Humpo.

Jelly playing the highly popular game.

Real Dutch apple pie!

A crowd.

Jerry and Marjolein.

Frank, Dieuwke, Peter and Johan.

Steven and Jennie.

Marieke, Peggy and Len.

A present and a speech for Jaap.

Yours truly.

Uncle Roel and uncle Peter.

Guus and Eveline.


Starting the fire.

Eva's turn in the game.

Happy faces.

Peter, Jean-Paul and Johan.

Gerben's turn. Sophie, Jennie and Ronald in the background.

Watchful eyes.

Ria's turn.

Ria and Paula.

The fire.

The tent Tibor slept in. He came by back from Amsterdam. Steven, another hard-core friend, slept outside.

Early cup of coffee.


Ettie, Gerben and Mieke.


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