Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Dutch chocolate at work

Dutch chocolate.Last week I brought some dark Dutch chocolate to my work.

I served it on a Delft blue plate and it was well received.


Rijsttafel De Wieken

Making pisang goreng.Tonight I attended the rijsttafel dinner organized by the Dutch club in the Triangle, De Wieken.

There were at least 40 people and a large variety of food. I especially liked an Indonesian 'salad' consisting of mixed rice, shrimp, currants and chopped vegetables. There was a huge bag with krupuk. True to Dutch habit, the evening started at 5.00 pm and dinner was served pretty much right away. Quite a difference with yesterday's dinner. The party was in a club house of a community in North Raleigh, about 30 minutes away from us.

I brought some of the serundeng I made earlier this week and beets pickled based on a recipe my parents gave me, atjar beet. The latter worked out really well; with a subtle delicious flavor.

Someone I spoke with, of Indonesian descent, recommended a new store in Raleigh that carries a lot of real Indonesian ingredients, including dried shrimp paste (trassi), something I've been looking for for a while. I'll check it out next week.

It was a nice, relaxed evening and I enjoyed the company a lot.


Pictures Dijkgatsbos, II

Pictures.Here are about 40 pictures of the weekend in the Dijkgatsbos when Jaap celebrated his 60th birthday.

Guests included: Ankie, Anneke, Anouk, Arienne, Arne, Carel, Christianne, Cock, Dieuwke, Diny, Ettie, Eva, Eveline, Frank, Gea, Gerben, Gerrit, Gerrit, Guus, Jaap, Jan, Jean-Paul, Jelly, Jennie, Jerry, Johan, Joost, Kirsten, Len, Maarten, Marieke, Marjolein, Mieke, Nicky, Paula, Peggy, Peter, Ria, Rob, Roel, Ronald, Sophie, Steven, Tibor and Twan. For the first time in many years all the cousins were together, that was pretty cool.

See also Steven's pictures.


Building Flex with Maven

Tonight I attended a presentation by Adam Parrish on the use of Maven in building Adobe Flex & Java projects.

Maven is routinely used to build Java-only project, but this presentation talked about using the Flex Mojos plug-ins to build projects that combine Flex front-ends with a Java back-end.

It was an interesting presentation/demo for a small but knowledgeable crowd. There was a a lot of opportunity to ask questions, and I learned more about large scale Flex projects. A well spent evening.

The evening was hosted by One Cow Standing in Durham. They have a foosbal table and a real beer tap with Yuengling in the conference room.


Pictures Dijkgatsbos

Pictures Steven.Steven sent us 3 pictures he took during Jaap's 60th birthday.

Beautiful images.



Seroendeng.I made seroendeng tonight, an Indonesian mix of peanuts, coconut and spices.

It came out nicely; it has the mouth feel of the coconut that I like about seroendeng and was tasty. A next time I'll put a little more spices with the coconut so it has a stronger flavor. I added a tiny bit of sambal to the spices and that worked out great.

I found real gula jawa at the Asian store. I've never used it before, it's palm sugar (see picture, the dark brown stuff).


Up early

I woke up around 4.30 am this morning, awake and refreshed. That's 10.30 am Dutch time. Last night I went to bed really early so I got plenty of sleep.

I'm tempted to do some laundry but that would not be nice to our neighbors. I'll get in the office early today.

The books, cheese, chocolate and kroepoek all arrived in good shape. I was worried that I'd end up with mashed kroepoek but I transferred it safely.


Back home

Jaap and Mieke and a lot of luggage.Saturday morning we did some last minute shopping in Wieringerwerf and Middenmeer, and during the day I packed my luggage. Ettie and Gerben came over and we had a nice dinner together (with kroket).

This morning we woke up around 4.30 am and were at the airport well on time, around 6.30 am. I brought a lot of luggage. My parents and I had a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Still sleepy on the plane, I read a little and soon I arrived in Heathrow. What a difference with the terminal in Munich last week, so alive and crowded with people! The flight from Heathrow to Raleigh/Durham took 9 hours. Longer than usual because we took a route more south to escape tropical storm Bill.

At the airport Belen and Esteban were waiting for me; a very nice welcome. They drove me home, lots to talk about, and at home I started unpacking.


From Munich to Rotterdam

Train to Rotterdam.Wednesday evening my colleagues dropped me at Munich Airport (thanks guys).

Lufthansa, the national airline, has its own terminal and it's very spacious and luxurious. There were no lines for security (it looked like nobody was traveling) and there was free coffee and a selection of 8 free newspapers to chose from at the gate.

At the gate there was an electronic reader for the boarding pass; the first time I've seen that. The flight was one hour and 15 minutes and I arrived at Schiphol around 6:30 pm so I easily made it for the 7:10 pm train to Rotterdam. So at 8.00 pm Joost and Ankie picked me up in the Maas City.


Jaap's 60th birthday

Birthday party.This weekend Jaap, my father, celebrated his 60th birthday.

Saturday morning we prepared the caravan (travel trailer) and loaded it with the equipment, food and drinks we would need for the party. We picked up the cakes from and fresh bread and arrived the camping site in the Dijkgatsbos at 12.30 pm.

It took us about an hour to get ready. Ettie and I went to Wieringerwerf to pick up some red wine and the first guests soon started arriving.

Jaap really enjoyed the party and guests; a good way to celebrate a 60th birthday.

I talked with so many people which was great but there's never time enough! It was a wonderful party. I met Anouk for the first time, Rob and Kirsten's daughter, and she is a very happy and sweet baby (she smiled when she saw me, that of course is a good sign). Jerry and Marjolein brought a game with wooden sticks which was very well received.


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