Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Examen committee's response

The examen committee sent me an e-mail, with their reaction on the request to start my internship.

The committee wrote than they'll allow me to start my internship now, provided the courses I didn't do aren't necessary for my internship. From the e-mail:

"U vraagt een docent als afstudeerdocent, en met hem overleg ik eerst of uw openstaande
vakken een belemmering zijn voor uw stage. Zo nee, dan mag u beginnen. Belemmert een openstaand vak in de ogen van uw afstudeerdocent wel uw stage, dan moet eerst dat openstaande
vak gedaan worden."

"You should ask a teacher to be your internship supervisor. With him I'll discuss if your open courses are a barrier to start your internship. If they're not, you can start. Otherwise, if your supervisor think that a course is necessary for your internship, you'll have to take that course first."

That means that I can go to the VU Monday, and find a teacher. However, for the internship I would like to do there is a very useful course: Formal Methods. This is a course of the kind of languages Chess wants to experiment with on the SHAM. It would be really cool if there is a way I can do this course first, before starting my actual internship. It would cost me two, three weeks full-time I guess, but then I would be completely prepared. So I think I'll ask the teachers of this course of such an arrangement would be possible. This afternoon I'll talk about this with a few people here.


Jaap's picture

dit is mijn commentaar. probeer de course en je stage te combineren.

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