Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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8 miles - 11.4 minutes/mile

Today I ran 8 miles (12.5 kilometers), my longest run so far. Last week I ran on a trail, this time my run was mainly through downtown Durham, from Whole Foods to Northgate Mall, Brightleaf Square and back. It went pretty well, and without any major pains. I do feel my left ankle a little bit stiff, but not painful. I can definitely see the benefit on increasing mileage slowly and giving my body time to get used to these longer distances. I'm pretty optimistic about my chances of successfully running a half marathon in two months.

If I can, I should try to run more on trails as opposed to the sidewalk; I really think it is better for my body, impact-wise. The good thing about this downtown route is that it is pretty fast (no big hills); even though it was 1.5 miles more than last week my total time was only 8 minutes longer.

Instead of running north on 9th street, as the route calls for, I took Broad Street because I forgot to turn into 9th. They run in parallel so the distance is the same, and Broad Street is a pretty street also.

After 60 minutes I had a energy gel, strawberry/banana, which I didn't like as much as the chocolate gel of last week. I should change my socks: I run with cotton socks and they get wet after a while. During the week they're fine, but for longer runs it's not nice. The weather was beautiful this morning, very clear and sunny. Not very warm, but nice. I brought 12 oz. of water (both bottles half full). Next time I can bring more.

Total time was 91:08 minutes, so 11.4 minutes/mile.



He Guus,

Een halve marathon! Goed zeg. Heb je een tijd in gedachten? 2 uur 30 min?


Ha Jerry,

Jaja! Het is erg leuk om voor een bepaalde afstand te trainen. Spannend ook wel want ik heb nog nooit verder dan 8 miles gerend. Mijn doel voor de wedstrijd in april (de "Raleigh Rocks" halve marathon) is om hem uit te rennen zonder blessures. Ik heb geen bepaald tijd doel maar 2.30 uur zou in principe wel moeten lukken.

Hier is mijn training schema voor de komende weken, dan kun je me een beetje in de gaten houden ;)


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