Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Goodbye, Vrije Universiteit

Recently I discovered that my university computer account no longer works. I graduated a long time ago, but my e-mail account has never been disabled. I didn't really use it anymore, but I regularly read the newsgroups and university news online. Last week I tried to login, and received "Access denied", and my old homepage has also been deleted.

I guess the Vrije Universiteit and I are now completely separated.

The only thing I was still using a VU server for was to create a daily backup of my website. Now I'll have to (quickly) find an alternative for that; I'm now back to my old habit of manually downloading backups on my own desktop. I must say having the script-based automatic backups to the VU felt a lot more secure.


Jaap's picture

You two are invited to join the anniversary of the VU. is de site. They send you and other allumni a booklet with the program. So there is a thread between you and the VU.

can't you use the gmail account for backups?

Ach... de VU is ook niet alles...ik ben nu de enige zonder vakantie met carnalval:( maar ja dat gaat natuurlijk wel goed komen hoor haha! Ik ben trouwens gisteren naar de masterbeurs geweest en maby verlaat ik de VU volgend jaar ook wel...nou ja succes enzo met alles, byebye Paula

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