Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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My father rocks

Long-time readers know that the server of this website is running in the Netherlands. When we left for the States my parents offered to give the server a place on the attic in Middenmeer.

The server has been running continuously for well over seven years, and doing a great job. But it's starting to show its age -- a scare about a hard disk maybe going bad, and increasingly noisy fans -- so we decided to buy a new one.

The new server arrived without operating system. My father installed and configured OpenBSD earlier this week, so it is now ready for me to install the LAMP stack and some other utilities, and start transferring our websites to the new server. OpenBSD is not for the faint of heart, and it's pretty cool to see it up and running so quickly.

Even enabling the network stack was no problem ("oh, I just did echo dhcp > /etc/hostname.xl0"). Thank you!


I always wondered from who you inherited your talents. Now I know. So you can program and barbecue, what else? ;-)

I can sing beautifully!

Oh yes, I remember! Especially Michael Jackson songs :-)

Jaap's picture

't is moeilijk bescheiden te blijven
als je zo knap bent als wij.

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