Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Ratelband and Bulgaria

We have seen our fair share of 'new politicians' this year in the Netherlands.

In an article about Emile Ratelband in the Washington Post:

He calls EU expansion "crazy," saying, "we don't need these gangsters, like Bulgaria." But he thinks Turkey should be allowed into the EU.

Obviously Bulgarians were not very pleased. The spokesman of the Bulgarian government, Todorov, declined to comment. "The ministry will stick to its practice and will not comment statements of foreign politicians made during pre-election campaigns".

Interesting enough on the agenda of Lijst Ratelband it said: "TV opnames voor de Bulgaarse televisie, Bulgarian National Television voor het programma ”Every Sunday”. LIVE!".

A quick phone-call to Bulgaria showed that he was indeed live on Bulgarian TV. My first thought was that he would apologize for his remarks but...

"When I'll be in power, you [Bulgaria] will never get into the European Union. As far as I'm concerned all Bulgarians are criminals."


Such a shame coming from Holland! I couldn't believe my ears when I heard these absurd words.

It's hard to realize how such a clown could get enough signatures to list a political party, and not only shout stupidity through foreign and domestic media, but having the guts to go live on Bulgarian national tv and dare face the Bulgarian nation.

It's difficult to find words to describe my total disgust at the existence of so short-sighted and narrow minded psychics.

Not only is he ridiculous but stupid as well, showing in the interview total negligence about facts that you at least are supposed to know about a country, such as the name of the capital, before commenting on the people and the future of the EU.

Jaap's picture

The man is totally gone mad. I suppose he is trying to make enough noise to attrackt people that will vote for him. he has to find some tricks to become a member of parliament, for he is an empty vessel. Because of lack of arguments and no program, no one with a sane mind will vote for him So he is trying to attrack insane people like him.

Jaap's picture

I think R. did commit a crime to Dutch law to call all Bulgarians names. I have the feeling he did even act against art. 1 of our constitution.

I'm afraid the fact that he said these things didn't surprise me a lot. It seems to be popular to make this kind of remarks. I guess every generation has to learn to same lessons every time.

"I'll say what I think and I'll do what I say" vs. "All persons in the Netherlands shall be treated equally in equal circumstances. Discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race, or sex or on any other grounds whatsoever shall not be permitted."

Ratelband, grote schurk!

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According to the issue.

1. So called Bulgarian Gangsters are The Best organized Mafia on the World.

2 Many former Colonels and Generals from the Bulgarian Intelligence and the Bulgarian Secret Service are the main Liders who still staying behind those Grops.

3 Unability the Bulgarian Mafia to be destroyed.
The Bulgarian Government and the Bulgarian Mafia have got the same origin.

James Bond

P.S. To be continued

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