Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Ruby and Orange

Preparations.I woke up early this morning and spend a productive morning working on a new feature. A co-worker recommended RadRails, and I plan to install it and check it out but I'm pretty comfortable with the command line tools so there's no rush. I played around with a commercial JavaScript/CSS library that we're using, and it is very impressive.

Today at 2.45 pm the game between Russia and the Netherlands starts. I'll be watching it with some friends in a bar in Cary, where a Dutch group gets together to watch the Dutch soccer games. We're prepared!



i use aptana (which holds RadRails) for all web development, html/js/php/rails, very nice program

Interesting, I'll take a look at it. But it's going to take a lot to move me from Eclipse -- I've worked with it so long (in a Java environment) that it's hard to imagine switching to another environment.

...and I wonder how long it will take to long for Java again, like I do, so keep that Eclipse around ;-)

(also using RadRails within Eclipse, using the Eclipse plugin from -- but I recall there was some more things to install after getting that plugin, by clicking some link on the new RadRails Welcome Page in Eclipse)

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