Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Vocabulary at 18 months

At the checkup the pediatrician asked us to estimate the boys' vocabulary. I said "30", which the doctor thought is respectable, but when we came home I wanted to be sure. So here it is, in all its glory -- the Dutch words Leo and Adrian know so far. Their Bulgarian is a little behind since they've been immersed in Dutch for the past month.

Leo actively uses 32 words, Adrian 27.

Woordje Uitspraak Leo Uitspraak Adrian
aaien ? aaien
auto doto car
bad bad ?
bah (voor vuilnisbak/vuilniswagen) bah bah
bal bal bal
been ? bee[n]
bloem bloem ?
boek boe[k] ?
boom boom boom
bril bril ?
brood brood brood
bus buu (of bie) buu
dag! dag dag
deur deur ?
dicht dich[t] dich[t]
Dikkie Dik dikkiedik dikkiedik
eendje tjetje tjetje
fiets iel (van wiel) ?
hond wafwaf wafwaf
kip toktok ?
konijn ? nijn
kuiken ? kuiken
lamp lam[p] bam
maan maan maan
mama mama mama
nee nee nee
Nijn Nijn Nijn
Nora nono noaaa
Oma ma [o] ma
Opa pa ma
papa papa papa
poes ma ma
tas ta[s] ?
ton ton ?
trekker ? tjekker
vlag [v]lag ?
vliegtuig ieg ?
vogel ? ?
wow! ? wow


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