Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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This morning Leo tried to touch Sasha's laptop. That's not allowed, and we told him so a few times. And then he tried something else -- he pointed outside, said "brruuh!" (meaning car) -- as if to distract us so he could touch the computer...

Last night I took Adrian for a bike ride and this morning when changing his diaper I asked him: "wat hebben gisteren allemaal gezien op de fiets?" and he remember exactly: "maaa" (=poes), then "wafwaf" (=hond) and finally "brruuh".


Jaap's picture

Je bent er vroeg bij vandaag.

Gisteren was Leo om 6:15 uur wakker (wij dus ook). Vandaag was het kwart voor zeven, en dat beviel ons beter.

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