Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Recent Comments Block

A few weeks ago I made a simple extension to the website program I'm using that shows the 10 most recent comments. I thought it would be nice to share it with other people, so I posted a message on the official website of PhpNuke.

Interesting to see how my (English) message got copied and translated into various languages:


Icons war


Watching election 2

The results still looks very nice, nobody thought this would happen a few weeks ago. It looks like a right-wing cabinet will not have a majority.

It's so nice to watch the elections with friends (and family).


Election night

Looking great...



Master of Science, major: International Economic Relations.Went home to get some papers and have lunch.

The mail brought a nice surprise for Sasha.


Elephant 50 years

Trunk.The eldest male elephant in Europe will celebrate it's 50 birthday, according to Artis' press release.

'Dear minister president Hehru of India, we would love to have a little male Indian elphant, because our zoo has none. Could you please sent us one?'


Zusje to the elections

Again a nice comic in Trouw today.


Can I come with you voting daddy? -- Better not. Last time you filled in 6 of the circles. This is too important. -- They have a computer now Huib; better take her with you. So she can help you out.


Election day

Election day.Today are the elections for a new parliament in the Netherlands.

For the non-Dutch: there's a short introduction in English about the elections in a Dutch newspaper.


Loesje cards

Two of my most precious readers sent me two e-cards. They both choose cards from Loesje. Thanks!

Spring -- my bicycle tends to steer towards the fields and the water. Let your opinion fly.
Because of the spring. Today's election day!

Loesje online

I never knew that Loesje is working abroad too. But they've expanded a lot from the small group they once were in 1983. They are posters in Bosnian, Catalan, Italian...

They have an international archive of all the posters they've published since 1990.



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