Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Election day

Election day.Today are the elections for a new parliament in the Netherlands.

For the non-Dutch: there's a short introduction in English about the elections in a Dutch newspaper.

Watching TV.

We were watching TV together the whole evening.

Dit was het Nieuws: "Winny de Jong is afraid that the expansion of the European Union would bring in criminals and prostitutes. Her pictures in Panorama prove that we have more than enough of both".

I was awake quite early this morning.

The school where the voting is.

The voting station is in a local school. It's raining a lot.

Voting station.

The voting station.


And then the moment is there: the Vote.


On that last picture, methinks your hand is reaching FAR too much to the right! Voting for the ministry of parties?? ;-)

Let me use this excuse: The confirmation button is all the way to the right.

Although I've been tempted by Flemminx slogan: "Vote. Even if it's on us!"
("Ga stemmen. Desnoods op ons!)

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