Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Pakjesavond 2016

Yesterday was pakjesavond and we had a wonderful time.

It was a little tricky doing all the logistics with 3 little kids crawling around but it worked out. After the boys ate (kale with bacon), and after Sasha and Nora came back downstairs after trying Nora's new gymnatics outfit, there was a loud noise on the door. And look! There was a sack and a box -- just like Nora predicted from previous years. The boys were excited too, they needed an extra hug.

When we brought the presents in, the kids wanted to open them immediately and Leo succeeded in tearing the paper off one of the gifts right away. But no, one gift at the time... wait for everybody to sit down... We all had an excellent time.

Started at 5:30 pm, done in about 45 minutes.

  • Nora: basket and bell for her bike, schort & paint, boek Kleine Kapitein, Lego firetruck.

  • Leo & Adrian both got two gifts each. A big helicopter, a Playmobil garbage truck and a Playmobil bulldozer. And for the two of them a windshield for the bike.
  • Sasha & I got a few gifts too, including very precious Christmas tree decorations. And Christmas lights for one my bicycle.

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