Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Three months old

The guys are now three months old, so we've made it through the hectic first quarter of life with them.

The boys are getting more adorable by the day. They smile, they coo and they follow us intently with their eyes, especially Sasha.

They are sleeping better and better, and recently going to bed is getting easier also, which is great for everybody. Almost exactly three months ago I wrote: I woke up at 5.00 am but told myself this would be the last full night in a loooong time so I went back to sleep. That was true, especially the first six weeks or so. Thankfully we now get pretty good nights of sleep. Not every night yet, but they often go to bed around 11.00 am wake up between 6.00 am and 7.00 am which is excellent.

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