Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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"Do twins run in your family?"

Several friends asked us if twins run in our family. The answer is: yes... but only on the paternal side. The tendency for twins is passed on through the maternal line only so the fact that we're having twins is pure chance.

Nevertheless, it's fun to look into our family history. My greatgrandfather Johan Jacob was born in 1891 in Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands. He and his brother Marinus were twins. Johan Jacob's son Gerrit married Johanna. Their first child was my father. Four years later my grandmother learned that she had carried twins only when she gave birth! One of the twins, my aunt Ria, later gave birth to my dear cousins -- again, including twins.

Through my uncle Harm I recently got in touch with descendants of my grandfather's brother Joop. Three of my second cousins had twins also.

Like I said, it's highly unlikely that there is a biological reason for this but it is fun to find out about other twins in the extended family.


Jaap's picture

Voor zover we nu weten heeft de vader geen invloed op het krijgen van een meerling. Wel kan hij, indien er aan zijn kant twee-eiige tweelingen in de familie voortkomen, deze erfelijke eigenschap overdragen op zijn dochters, die op hen beurt een grotere kans hebben op een twee-eiige tweeling. Ook een zoon kan deze eigenschap van zijn vader meekrijgen en overdragen op zijn dochters.

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