Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Daily Life


Sinterklaas arrived

This morning Nora and I watched the arrival of Sinterklaas. I brought out the Sinterklaas books and we read a few of them.

We went for a long walk in the afternoon. We checked out Mom's, a new grocery store at the site where Bergman's used to be. It was a great walk.

After dinner Nora put her shoe at the fireplace, together with socks for Leo and Adrian. We sang three songs. A little later she went to Sasha and asked her: "let's look outside!". She remembered from last year that at one point there was a big bag with presents outside. We explained to her that wouldn't be the case tonight.

"De eerste winter was er een zak. Maar niemand klopte! Toen we de deur open deden zagen we niemand".

She was very excited and I was surprised she fell asleep at all.


Run after a cold

Had a cold for several days.

4 miles

Oma Groen

Today Oma Groen passed away. She was 89 years old.

We all loved her deeply and she was a wonderful grandmother, both when Ettie & I were little and in later years. When I was born Opa & Oma lived in Velsen-Noord and while I have a few memories from there, they are hazy. Opa was a dentist and after his retirement they moved to a farm in Witteveen, Drenthe. We would stay there often and for long visits. Years later they bought an apartment in Hoogeveen, later Oma moved to Heerenveen. Oma Groen has been a loving presence for me all my life and I'll miss her.

I last saw her in person in the summer of 2014. We frequently talked on the phone and she was always very interested in her great grandchildren. I'm very grateful that she and Nora got a opportunity to meet.


Up at 5.50 am

We went to bed really early last night. I dreamt that I woke up and it was 6.25 am already but then I realized it was just a dream. In reality I woke up at 5.50 am so plenty of time for a nice run.

5 miles

Loose dog

Had a wonderful night of sleep after the AAR deployment.

I came across a loose dog near N. Abingdon St this morning. I was on the Custis trail and it approached me. It was a medium size black dog, fairly sturdy. He was wearing a collar.

I called animal control; they'll check out the area.

5 miles

Run with my bike light

Couldn't find my small flashlight but brought my bicycling light instead.

5 miles

Shorter run

Ran after work didn't have a lot of time so short run.

3 miles

Leo's first bite

Today it was Leo's turn to get his first bit of solid food.

He wasn't impressed.


Saturday morning run

I was tired today, physically tired, though we slept well last night. The run went slow and wasn't easy and at one point I considered cutting it short. Didn't though and that feels good.

5 miles

Adrian's first bite

Adrian had his first solid food today. We made him carrots with milk and he ate several bites.

He liked it. Nora told him, in Bulgarian: you'll have to finish your plate.


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