Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Back home

So, here I am, writing from my own computer.

I have a little bit mixed feelings about being back in Holland. I was happy to see our own airport and to be able to call people, but it made me realize that the holiday is definitely over. And worse: that Sasha and I are separated again for a couple of weeks. But I'm certainly not complaining! We had a wonderful time in Bulgaria, prosto chudesno. I'm looking forward to see her again, and also to go to Bulgaria again.

At home everything was fine. I arranged the mail: taxes, bills, insurance information etc. There was quite a lot of mail in a few weeks. A very nice thing is the big pile with Christmas cards that we received. Thanks everybody. I'm also looking forward to read the Christmas issue of The Economist.

Jelly: thank you for taking care of the house and the plants. The clock still works :)

I had a sandwich with Dutch cheese for lunch, with a glass of Dutch milk. I'll unpack some things from my suitcases now, then a shower and a nap. But first a phone-call to Washington -- Sasha starts her work at the World Bank today again.

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