Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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New bells Grote Kerk

In the Haarlems Dagblad there's an article about a recent discovery in the Grote Kerk in Haarlem.

Three old church bells have been re-discovered and have been repaired. They seem to have been 'forgotten' in the sixties when they stopped functioning. Now they'll be clinging around Christmas.

The oldest bell is (probably) from around 1666. Traditionally the clinging of these bells indicates the start of the funfair.

Painting: Exterior of the Church of Saint Bavo in Haarlem, Gerrit Berckheyde, 1666.
Exterior of the Church of Saint Bavo in Haarlem
Gerrit Berckheyde, 1666


Clocks or bells ?


Hmmm, yes... bells of course.

Fixed it -- thanks.

In the comments 'clocks'is still used....

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