Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Computer Saturday

Today is a day for some experimenting with new software for this website. For a long time I wanted to change the program I'm using, and after quite some research I've decided to make a switch to MMBase. This is a Java-based system that is used for many major (Dutch) websites, such as,, and many broadcasting organisations (Vpro, Netwerk, NOS).

This will be a lot of (fun) work, so it will take a while before you'll see any results. In fact, I'm trying to keep the difference as small as possible; you can see a very first result here.

Why the switch? It's a good opportunity to get to know a common used (professional) program, which might be useful for my work. The program is also easier to adapt to my personal wishes, and it's simply more fun to program in Java than in PHP.

Today a new version of OpenBSD has been released. It's tempting to start installing it right away, but I prefer to work with MMBase first.


Ben heel nieuwschierig hoe het bevalt!!! Zie in je testversie inderdaad niet veel verschil met de site van nu, dus dat is in ieder geval gelukt!!

Het is erg leuk om met een Java gebaseerde tool te werken, hoewel ik tot nu toe nog weinig geprogrammeerd heb. Ik ben vooral bezig geweest om de programmeer omgeving klaar te zetten (Java, Eclipse, Tomcat, CVS versie van MMBase).

Wat ik tot nu toe gezien heb van MMBase bevalt me erg goed.

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