Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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New software

I'm looking for new software to use on my server. I like the program I'm using now (Php-Nuke), but it's limited in many aspects and not very secure. Next to that I would like to use a Java based program. It's always good to have experience with different products.

I looked at a number of products so far. First I tried Jahia: very beautiful, very well designed, but too big and slow and not open source. SnipSnap: well designed, quick, nice technology but not a lot of features. Jlscp: too small userbase, too much under development.

Now I'm installing a Dutch product, MMBase. It's a famous name, but the first results aren't very promising; the installation is rather troublesome.


Hi, have you tried nukes for jboss?
about Jahia it's not OpenSource, but have a look at
have a nice day.

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