Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Pentagon and Lincoln Memorial

Saturday we spent in the city to see some landmarks. Of course we started in the center, where we saw the White House and had coffee in Starbucks.

Later we took the metro to the Pentagon, something I really wanted to see. It's a massive building, very big. We walked around it, and saw the reconstruction from the damages of September 11th.

From there we took a long walk back to the city, over the Memorial Bridge towards the Lincoln Memorial. We had dinner in Union Station, the big train station of Washington that has recently been renovated. Saw a beautiful exposition there with pictures by a famous photographer (I've forgotten his name) of the city.


Jaap's picture

Leuk, ik zie het bericht op de pagina komen. Gisteren deden wij spelletjes bij Harm, Mieke 2x gewonnen. tregent hier en twaait. mooie fotoos maak je bij je stuk. groeten aan je maatje.

De foto's heb ik niet zelf gemaakt, maar gevonden via internet. Grappig om te zien dat het bij jullie al 17:30 uur is. Hier is het 11:30; ik ga dadelijk lunchen.

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