Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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El Pincho

We went out in Haarlem yesterday. David and Milena took us to "El Pincho", a tapas-restaurant at the Riviervischmarkt. It was the first time I had tapas; enjoyed it very much. There were many different things to eat. Even though I don't really like fish I found the octupus-dish very delicious. Not only the food was good, the place also has a very cosy atmosphere -- warm and a bit noisy.

We basically spent the whole evening in the restaurant; we left after midnight. Had another beer in In Den Uiver, it was a great evening.

It was cold -- quite remarkable to see so many people dressed in shorts and T-shirts when it was only 7 degrees outside...


Jaap's picture

Goos wishes for Pesach,
To use Google, the search engine, as Elmer Fudd might, go to
Have a thing (or possibly ingthay) for Pig Latin? No problem, it's at
There's also a spot for hackers at
You must include that extra backslash at the end of each URL for the feature to work.

Cool, I know there are different skins when for example Einstein has his birthday.
Are there more?

There are many interesting things to be said about Google. There's even a fan page for Google.

On of the things you can find there is a list of spelling-mistakes people make when looking for Britney Spears.

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