Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Dutch pronunciation

Breuckelen."'Ve-le-is-sing-nen.' (Or so it sounded to us.) That was definitely a V sound in the beginning, but then it got lost in a slosh of vowels and S’s."

The New York Times has an interview with Ms. Jones-Bos, the Dutch ambassador to the United States to talk about the Dutch pronunciation of names in NYC.

Another quote:

"'Bowery? In the original Dutch, it was was “bouwerij,” which had an intimidating ending for an English speaker."

The interviews also links to this funny article: Breuckelen Express (Breuckelen is the original name for Brooklyn).


Die van Breukelen en Brooklyn wist ik, maar konijnen eiland? Leuk om te lezen.

Jaap's picture

Nederlandse woorden in het Engels. Hoboken is ook een Nederlands woord, een plaatsnaam.

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