Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Whole wheat pizza

Pizza.I felt like cooking something special tonight and I made a pizza.

I used a different recipe than usual: I used whole wheat flour for the pizza's dough. I could say that this is more healthy and that's why I choose it, but the reality is that the regular flour we had was expired.

Whole wheat flour is great for a pizza! It makes a delicious and strong crust. I baked the crust without topping for 5 minutes on 500 degrees before baking the whole pizza on 425 degrees, and it turned out to be crispy and just right.

A next time I should buy a different meat. I wasn't quite satisfied with the Genoa salami I used tonight: not enough spices and not tasty enough. The sauce worked out quite well, I made a light tomato sauce with a bit of garlic and fresh oregano.



500 degrees! Wow! Fahrenheit, I hope? Our oven would explode if baking on 500 degrees Celcius..... :)

Pizza looks great!

Thank you! It's fun to bake a pizza.

Yes, it's Fahrenheit, equivalent to 260 degrees Celcius.

Wow, the flower expired? Errr, "I could say that this is more healthy and that’s why I choose it, but then I should have left out the meat altogether" ;-)

Haha, it was delicious but if it was healthy? The main thing is the cheese. It was pretty caloric but the cheese didn't taste as good as I hoped. Next time I'll try some Dutch cheese!

Pizza helemaal zelf gemaakt. mmhh ziet er niet verkeerd uit. Moet ik ook weer eens doen..

eet smakelijk!
gr petra


Are you trying to be a Pizon?? A true Pizon uses pepperoni for the pizza and salami for the crackers!!!

Maybe you should stick to Digiorno's for true authentic Italian taste ...


Ha, an American talking about true authentic Italian taste -- a New Yorker no less! :)

The guys in New Jersey always tell me that "New Jersey has the best pizza around", so far I've yet to taste the evidence!

Jaap's picture

Beleg een pizabodem met saus van gehakt, tomaten en italiaanse kruiden, knoflook en ui, aangebakken in oliefolie en lang gesudderd.
over de saus kaas, uienringen, naar keuze paddestoelen, vis, (tonijn, sardine, inktvis, enz.) paprika, tomaat, olijven, ei, kappertjes, preiringen, ham, snippers kip, ananas, worst, en andere hartigheden. bestrooi met kaas (parmezan) en laat gaar worden in de oven.
Maak een bodem en laat die even narijzen (kwartiertje) voor ie belegd wordt. Dan wordt de bodem luchtiger van beet.

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