Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Durham, NC, Engeland

Bruna.A few weeks ago I bought a present online, a Dutch book to be delivered in the Netherlands. Since, the largest Dutch online book retailer, canceled a similar order without notice last year I tried

I won't bore you with the details but online shopping is definitely new for Bruna and I was disappointed with how slow and unresponsive they were.

Anyway, today I received a paper receipt (factuur) for that order. It's pretty cool that it arrived because it was addressed to "Durham, NC, Engeland".

Somebody in the Dutch post service must have understood that this shouldn't go to the U.K. but to North Carolina instead.


(I've blurred our address for privacy reasons).


It usually goes wrong when the postal code is not recognized. Then you depend on the awareness and willingness of the person who treats your letter.

I worked at a courier company where I once send a package to Dubai instead of Trinidad. My boss was pissed....

I did business before using Bol an my books were delivered in NL just fine. Bruna I have no clue if that works.

I had different issues with Bol and Bruna, but the biggest problem was: they never let me know what happened.

In both cases, only after I e-mailed customer service I heard that there was some type of processing delay.

I understand processing problems (up to a point), but they should let me know. All it takes is an e-mail...

Jaap's picture

Bruna wants the customer to come into the shops. Even if customers order by internet they should come to the shop.
Bruna is not allowed by the shopkeepers to sell books by internet. Bruna is a franchizing organization.

They should have told you.

I'm surprised it didn't go to Engeland..

Petra van Dijk

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