Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Uganda Rising

Uganda RisingUganda Rising is a documentary about the horrible impact of the wars and rebellions in Uganda and its neighboring countries since the 1970s. It shows the fate of child soldiers in the Lord's Resistance Army, a rebel army that contains thousands of children who were abducted from their families.

What is the right balance between justice and truth in a society such as in Northern Uganda? An amnesty is in place for former child soldiers, and they are forgiven for the atrocities they performed. This is pretty successful and allows children to go back to a somewhat normal life. But what do you do to the top commanders? To end the war an amnesty would help, but that is flying in the face of justice.

There is a somewhat hopeful thread in Uganda Rising, on how how children bring hope and want to learn and study.

The documentary format was old fashioned with a traditional voice over and an excessive uses of freezing frames half way interviews. However, the story told by the documentary was extremely powerful. I saw the movie right after Surfing Soweto. I must admit that I was glad I was going to see more happy documentaries after seeing 2 movies that showed the lives of children in Africa.

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