Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Redskins - Buccaneers

Redskins vs. Buccaneers.Yesterday afternoon we were in Georgetown and we had a late lunch there. We saw the first quarter of the Redskins game during our lunch.

Later I went to the Rhino Bar & Pumphouse, a student sportsbar to see the rest of the game. The Redskins were playing their first play-off game in several years against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (Florida) after beating the Philadelphia Eagles last week. Winning the play-offs of course, will lead to the Super Bowl, the most important match in professional football.

I haven't seen many American footballs games yet, but it's a very pleasant game to watch, with a lot of exciting moments. I like it much better than baseball (too slow) or basketball (too fast); it's a pleasantly spectacular game.

To be honest I didn't think the Redskins played extremely well -- the Buccaneers had the ball much more often, and made much more yards than the 120 yards of the Redskin team(an indication of how much power a team has in a match). However, the defense of the Redskins turned out to be very solid, and after coming ahead with 17 to 3 at half-time, the Redskins managed to keep there Buccaneers at bay.

At one point the Buccaneers seemed to have made a touchdown, which would have brought the score to 17 to 17, but the officials ruled that Shepherd, the Buccaneer player, had lost control of the ball just before he came down, and thus the final score stayed 17 to 10. This caused quite some heart pain for the few Buccaneer fans in the bar, but the majority of the people watching were locals supporting the D.C. team that thus celebrated its first post-season victory in years.

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