Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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One year Holiday Inn

Tonight there was a party in the Holiday Inn because it has been open for almost a year. I never really realized that the hotel was so new (although it certainly looks good) but it was a nice occassion for some entertainment.

On the invition it said "techno party". I wasn't sure what to expect but "techno" turned out to mean "related to technology" and it was just a buffet with drinks afterwards. The music after the speeches was actually DJ Tiesto. Of the 350 nights that the hotel exists I have been a guest around 50 nights.

Today was my last day in Puerto Rico, I'm leaving tomorrow morning early... a 7:40 flight to New York. Really excited about that, Sasha and I will meet each other there in the afternoon, and in the evening we'll go to U2!

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