Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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New internship Ettie

The Weerribben, the Netherlands.Today is Ettie's first day on her new internship at Staatsbosbeheer. Staatsbosbeheer is a Dutch governmental organisation, managing the natural heritage in the Netherlands.

Ettie will do research in the Weerribben, a national park in the northern part of Overijssel. There's a lot of water in this park, and Ettie will do a big part of her data gathering from a boat.


yes i started today, and had fun. The sun was shining so that was great. My first experience using a motorboat was today, really nice. The coming months i`am searching for about 15 different (water)plants.

Hi Ettie!

Nice you enjoyed the fieldwork! It's obviously the most popular part of the job of most biologists. I guess thats also the case for environmental researchers. What plants are you looking for?

In Dutch: krabbenscheer, (water)riet, waterzuring, waterviolier, gele plomp, witte waterlelie, verschillende fontein kruiden, verschillende zeggesoorten (alleen deze vind ik nog erg lastig), moerasvaren, grote egelskop, kleine egelskop, galigaan en nog wat anderen...
het is nog steeds leuk. Wel al 1x nat geregent en 2x motorpech.

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