Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Work Arlington 2006

At work

I arrived this morning around 11:00 o'clock in Puerto Rico. Waking up at 4:30 is never really fun, but the journey went nice and smooth. I took a cab to the airport, and the driver was from Afghanistan. He was a friendly guy, and we talked quite a bit which was a nice start of the day.

On the airport I got my American breakfast -- coffee and a bagel from Starbucks.

After we landed I first went to the hotel to check in and send the e-mails that I wrote on the plane and get changed. I was at work around 13:00. I actually met my colleagues in the sandwich shop across the street.

At 14:00 o'clock I had a long meeting at 14:00, and after some document writing and reviewing we'll be leaving the office in a little while.

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