Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Work Arlington 2006

Busy days

Things are getting up to speed at my job. I am working now on a major project we are doing, I started helping out on that project Monday. It's really nice to be part of a project: feeling the rush, getting things done and working under some pressure makes working fun.

I am making long days, much longer than at my previous job. I knew this in advance when I decided to go the US, and actually it much less tiring than I thought it would be. I guess it makes a big difference that the work I'm doing is so much fun. Also I'm glad that we live so close to my work so I don't have to commute a long distance to and from the office. Tomorrow a lot of colleagues will have a day off, as Christmas is coming and many people are traveling tomorrow.


Today we saw on the news that`s really bad weather in America, is it also in washington?

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