Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Work Arlington 2006

Traveling to work

Traveling to work.
Yesterday was my third day at work, and I have actually started working on a project.

It's a very interesting project and I have the feeling that I'll learn a lot in this new job. Yesterday I worked in our company's office.

We are also looking for a new apartment, and we'll probably take our final decision today. It's really fun to look for a new place. The location we are looking at is much closer to my work, as Sasha's, than where we're staying now.

When I went to work yesterday morning I took a few pictures. It was raining, the first day since I've been there.


These must be faked images. Traveling to work while there's no tie visible? Allright, it was a Friday of course, but for a first working week the dress code couldn't be that easy on you!

Whenever there's no tie,
there must be a lie!

Sinterklaas better not know about this website then...

-- Does the new office also have a "schouw"?


the dress code here is comparable to at Chess, maybe a bit more official but ties are not required. What's up with having a "schouw"?!

PS I like your hostname!

Last year I've put a shoe next to the "schouw" and after a week the IT-Piet finally found it and left me some chocolate candy, knowing that I'm such a good boy who deserves a treat every now & then...

-- yet another lie; you do not like my hostname as it refers to ...

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