Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Sasha to D.C.

I just brought Sasha to her plane. Today she's going back to the States. After a long stay here to write her thesis, she's now going back to work.

At the airport there was a group of strikers. One of their signs said "airtraffic control on strike", but luckily enough the planes were all flying regularly. Later a group of strikers came into the departure hall, but they left after a few minutes.

We had coffee together and Sasha left for the plane at 13:15. Her plane is first flying to Reykjavík, Iceland, and she'll arrive in Washington around 19:00 o'clock (local time). We had a great time here together.


Sasha, Wish you a very good stay in Washington. Hope you enjoyed your flight.

Sasha arrived nicely on time yesterday; we just spoke on the phone.

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