Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Card from Bulgaria

Postcard from Bulgaria.A few days ago I received a card from Bulgaria, which my father sent two weeks ago when he was on a business trip to Bulgaria.

I'm taking it easy this weekend. This morning I'm studying from a list of practice questions for the Java test I want to do.

In the afternoon there's the homework for the German course. We've been asked to write a lexicon article about the "greatest Dutch person in history". It's very difficult to choose one!

I'm sticking to my own profession, engineering, and I'll write an article about Simon Stevin. He was a Dutch (Flemish) engineer and mathematician living in the beginning of the 17th century. He invented many Dutch mathematical words that are still in use today.


You could have chosen Dijkstra as well :-)

stevin is toch een betere keuze. hij heeft een grote rol gespeeld in het maken van plannen voor de drooglegging van de wieringermeer. zo hebben we hier de stevinstraat en de stevinsluizen.

Ah, indeed. But I think Stevin is a bit more romantic to write about, with his ideas about military fortifications, new Dutch words etc.

Are you still working today? I hope not?

Stevin is only a different choice.....

But Dijkstra was very important for your profession.

No, I wasn't working on Sunday.
It went very well on Saturday.

Now I'm in Chicago, also for Sara Lee.
It is only 9 pm here :-)

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