Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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A trip back in time

Yesterday we made a trip back in time -- 12 years, to be precise. In June 1998 Sasha and I met each other for the first time in Tannersville, New York in an exchange program. Yesterday we visited the hotel where we then worked.

The resort changed owners several times since we were there, and sadly it's in pretty bad shape. Two workers were patching things up for the summer season and allowed us to go inside and take some pictures.

It was amazing to see the places were we worked that summer, and a great day trip.

"Antonio's", it used to be called. In the summer that we were there it became the "Diamond Horseshoe Ranch".

Seating area near the office.

My old room! We used to stay here with 5 guys.

Hallway. The place is in bad shape but it was great to see it again.

Backdoor to the kitchen area. Here's where I've folded hundreds and hundreds of cardboard boxes.


It is great to go back in time like this!

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