Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Heidelberg bakery open house

Today we went to the open house of Heidelberg bakery, a German store on Lee Highway in Arlington.

The weather was beautiful so we walked. It's a nice route through Cherry Dale, about 40 minutes each way. We saw the first Halloween decorations.

The open house was nice. We met the owner, Wolfgang Büchler, who immigrated from Germany in the 1970's. There were several machines on display and we saw the big ovens they use. There were also several cookies and breads to try out and take home. A very nice gesture.


Clarendon Day 2013

This morning we went to Clarendon Day, where we had a a great time.

Nora received two balloons, but the highlight was meeting a parrot character -- the mascot of a local bank. This enormous "papagaai" made a deep impression Nora but she was brave enough to give him a high five -- which she kept referring to the rest of the day.

She also saw her first puppet show. She got very excited about all the animals, and when Spot (Dribbel in Dutch) made his appearance she said: "hondje!" and took him off the hand of the puppeteer and hugged him.


Playing broomball

Yesterday we had a social event at work and we played broomball. This is a simplified version of ice hockey: you wear normal shoes, not skates, and the ice is prepared to provide more traction than usual.

We played in the Kettler Capitals Iceplex, an ice rink on top of the parking mall in Ballston, very close to our office. It's the place where the Washington Capitals do their training.

We played two 20 minute games; we won the first but lost the second.


Julian's 6th birthday

We celebrated Julian's birthday this weekend. The trip to Secaucus on Friday afternoon took longer than usual, and Nora was getting a little annoyed in the car, but once arrived we all had an excellent time.

On Saturday Julian and Ilana went to see Spiderman on Broadway, a great experience for them. Nora had a blast with her cousins. She was sometimes a little scared of all the energy and noise and jumping... but she kept saying "Julian! Ilana!".

On the way back Nora slept the entire trip, she woke up 20 minutes before we were home.


Naar de bakker

Nora woke up at 6.50 am this morning and after a few minutes she made sure we were awake as well. Nora and I went to get bagels. It was a nice outing -- Nora really enjoys these small trips.

G: Nora, ga je mee?
N: Auto rijen?
G: We gaan naar de bakker!
N: Brood kopen?

After we came back:

G: Nora, waar waren we?
N: Auto!
G: En waar gingen we heen?
N: Bakker!
G: En wat hebben we daar gekocht?
N: Brood! Kaas!


15 years

Yesterday we celebrated our 15 year anniversary, remembering the summer that we met each other. In 1998 we were in an exchange program for college students, and we both worked in a resort in upstate New York.

The second week of September is a week of milestones -- 13 years ago Sasha arrived in the Netherlands to start her Dutch language study, and 10 years ago today she went to the United States on an assignment in Washington, DC.

We went out for dinner last night in a Grand Cru, a restaurant in Ballston that we hadn't been to before. We sat outside in a big courtyard with a fountain, and Nora was pushing her own stroller back and forth. It's amazing to see where life has taken us.



The house with the big flag that we always pass during our runs will be demolished.

It's about time -- the house is in very bad state and it really looks ugly.

But Nora will be disappointed! It's one of the highlights of our run -- from far she'll start saying: "vlag! sterren!".


Frying Pan Farm

Today Nora saw her first cow. We visited the Frying Pan Farm in Herndon, about 30 minutes away.

Nora woke up 6.45 am, early for her, so she was a little tired but she greatly enjoyed seeing all the animals. We arrived at the farm a little after 9.00 am and the first thing we saw from the parking lot were a cow and a bull, grazing in a pasture. Nora first thought was "paard" (horse), since those she had seen before.

Frying Pan Farm is a beautiful farm and great fun for kids and adults. We saw lots of animals: cows, sheep, horses, pigs, goats, turkeys, peacocks, chickens... Nora was impressed. The animals dutifully made all sorts of noises. We heard the roosters crow, and the cows were mooing. The goats were a little scary.

I also pointed out some of the farm machines, including the plow (ploeg) and when we gave Nora a sandwich later and asked: "wat zagen we op de boerderij?" (what did we see on the farm?), she answered: "ploeg!".

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