Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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A snowy surprise

We woke up to a snow-white world this morning.

In the morning Nora likes to watch the school buses with children ("kicheche" -- for "kindertjes") but there were none today, since it is spring break.


Long walk

Today was a beautiful day and we went for a long walk, the four of us.

The moon was visible and Nora liked to point it out: "maan, maan!"

Just like last weekend she skipped a nap today. She usually takes two naps, but today only one.


New word: beker

Yesterday evening Nora looked with interest at Sasha's travel mug that was on the table.

Jaap was holding her and explained: "Dat is een beker". Nora giggled and said "beber".

She is constantly learning new words these days, which is a lot of fun. In the mornings, when she is getting ready for breakfast, she'll stare out the window and say "buh buh" -- she likes to watch the school buses.


Nora's first time in the zoo

Last Saturday we visited the National Zoo in DC -- the first time that Nora went to a zoo, and she liked it a lot.

When we first entered, she was overwhelmed by all the people and she kept looking at all the kids. When we showed her the first animals -- several zebras -- she wasn't very impressed yet. A few minutes later we saw the pandas, and she did like those. She even learned the name. She liked seeing them eat, but she also enjoyed the pictures of pandas on the walls.

Nora recognized the American wolf as a "waf waf" and a highlight for her were the ducks, which we were able to see real close. We've been reading a lot about ducks, and even though these weren't yellow and chubby she was happy to see them ("kwak kwak!").

She was also impressed by the crows, who were noisy and said "ka, ka". At the end of our walk we saw the cheetahs.


St Patrick's Day 8k, Washington, DC

This morning I ran the St Patrick's Day 8k in Washington, DC. St Patrick's is celebrated next week and the traditional color to wear is green. While I don't have green running shirts I wore some beads. During the run I gave them away to enthusiastic spectators, that was fun.

Getting up in the morning was tough after a short night (Nora & DST).

I left home at 7.55 am and had to wait 15 minutes for the next metro train. The race started at Federal Triangle on Independence, and it was busy -- almost 3,800 participants. With the various lines I made it to the start just in time: the race had already started but my corral (9.00 minutes/mile) not yet.

It was beautiful running on Independence Avenue towards the Capitol. It was sunny and nice weather, great for a run. The field was really crowded, and when after 5 minutes that was still not letting up I started the run on the side of the crowd.

I'm satisfied with my time -- a little under 8:30 minutes a mile, which was my target.


Having fun with Opa

Nora is learning new words every day, and Opa taught her the words "hapje", "ja" and "oor". Of course she knows how to say "opa". Today we talked on Skype with Oma so when we asked Nora later: "waar is Oma?", she looked at the laptop.

Jaap had a busy schedule and visited the National Gallery, the Zoo and a music store this weekend.

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