Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Late night yogurt

I realized late at night that I was out of yogurt.

Since I hate starting the day without a decent breakfast I went to Kroger. A thunderstorm was just getting started; big lightning flashes everywhere but no rain.

To my surprise, in between the doors of Kroger stood a security guard and she told me that the store was closed for floor repairs. It was 11.00 pm, and luckily she made an exception for me if I promised to be back quickly, which I did. Interesting how you get used to the grocery store being open 24/7.


Crazy times

Crazy times.The last few weeks have been crazy in many different ways. And boy oh boy, what a mess the economic system is in.

Today the Dow Jones saw the sharpest drop ever, after the bailout plan failed to make it through Congress. I was not a big fan of the plan, with its proposed massive government intervention in the market, and some say that a 'correction' would have been healthy. It's impossible to know of course, but a lot of very smart people have warned against the dire consequences of not passing such a bill. Let's hope it doesn't come to some of those scenario's. Last night Wachovia was taken over; Wachovia has its headquarters in Charlotte, NC.

Once thing is clear: neither Mr. Obama nor Mr. McCain, let along President Bush, have a strong control over their parties and their voting on this issue.


Obama and Biden in Greensboro, NC

Obama and Biden in Greensboro, NC.I just came back from Greensboro, NC were Vladi and I attended a rally with Barack Obama and Joe Biden. This was the second appearance of Mr. Obama in North Carolina in a week and since last week was not exactly a success for me I decided to try again today. The gates opened at 10.00 am, and Vladi and I were in line around 9.15 am. That turned out to be well on-time and when the event started at 12.15 pm we had a great place in the crowd with a good view of the stage.

Mr. Biden spoke first. It was their first public appearance after last night's debate and Mr. Biden slammed John McCain on things he said in the debate, saying Mr. Obama "owned" the debate yesterday. Mr. Obama spoke for about 30 minutes.

I took some pictures with my phone (see below). It was a lot of fun to attend this event.


First Presidential Debate

Presidential Debate.Tonight we watched the first Presidential Debate of 2008. The topic was foreign policy but obviously the economic crisis got a lot of attention.

A few friends came over and we had a great time watching the debate with beers, chips and chili.

I'd say that the debate was pretty much a tie, something which works to Mr. McCain disadvantage since he's considered to be most well prepared for a debate on foreign policy.


Perhaps, another chance

Barack Obama and Joe Biden are scheduled to appear in Greensboro, NC this Saturday. Surprisingly, given that Mr. Obama was in Charlotte last week (and I missed him). Greensboro is only an hour from Durham, so it would be great if I could attend that meeting.

The big question is, will Mr. Obama continue campaigning now Mr. McCain has halted his campaign? Mr. Obama is still saying he wants to debate Mr. McCain, but he has said to stop all campaigning because of the dire economic situation and the slow progress of the bail-out plan through Congress.


Paint Shop Pro X2

Paint Shop Pro X2This weekend I upgraded to Paint Shop Pro X2.

I've been using Paint Shop for a long time. It's a lot more affordable than Adobe Photo Shop but very powerful.

I've been working with version 10 since September 2006, and they've done a lot of work in the last two years. I'm not sure if I really like the new color of the application though -- it's very dark.


In line

In line.So I thought it would be interesting to see Barack Obama, the presidential candidate for the Democratic Party, give a speech in Charlotte, NC.

I didn't realize how many other people had that idea, and how slow the lines would move... I arrived in Charlotte at 11.15 am. While I did see Mr. Obama in his car when he arrived, at 1.15 pm when the speech started I was about half way the line to the entrance gate. That was unfortunate, since Charlotte is 2,5 hours away from Durham. At the other hand, I had time for some good phone calls, now I've finally recharged my international calling card.


To Charlotte

I'm leaving to Charlotte in a little while.

Barack Obama is holding a public rally there today, and I thought it would be interesting to attend.

The rally is downtown. "For security reasons, do not bring bags and please limit personal items. No signs or banners permitted."


San Diego

Us and the San Diego skyline.We arrived in San Diego on Thursday, August 14th, and we stayed there for four nights. We stayed in The Sofia Hotel in downtown, a few minutes from the Gaslamp Quarter.

Here is a selection of pictures we took in San Diego over those four days.


San Diego Balboa Park

Balboa park.We spent a lot of time in Balboa park, a large cultural park in downtown San Diego.

It's a great place to go for a walk, and there are a lot of museums and attractions in the park.


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