Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Paper ready

...As an attachment you'll find my paper for Human-Computer Interaction.
Title: Visual Programming, a promise for the future?...

I delivered it! The final version of my paper is also online, here as .pdf, here as PostScript.


Paper almost ready

At 15:00 o'clock I want to sent my paper to the teacher. Now working on the introduction -- Phillip pointed out that this the purpose of my paper wasn't very clear so I'm added some stuff on this.

Found a website on round-trip java programming,, nice guys there; they let me use a screenshot from their website.


Beta version Paper

A new version of my paper on Human-Computer Interaction is online. It's almost ready, I'll only have to rewrite the introduction, fix some layout things and reread it one more time.


Backups disappeared

Found out something really scary: The backups I have been making the last week of my paper are all just links to my original paper. Meaning: if my original paper would have disappeared, so would have all my backups... You really can't trust Word, even when you're as paranoid as I am in making backup copies every few hours.


A fan!

Yes! A fan! "...I read your paper, its really an interesting read." Thank you! First one not to consider it boring :)


Americans at the dike

Every morning it gets a little bit easier to go to work, don't feel completely broken anymore in the morning :) Today the finishing touch on my paper, then I'll deliver it at the VU. Today Jonathan, Irena & Ilana will visit my parents -- the usual things: the Afsluitdijk, the hole in the dike, the sluizen.



Done for today with my paper, both Sasha and Petra reviewed it. Thanks a lot, you've both been a huge help! Other people always find so many mistakes that you can't see yourself... They both indepently of each other remarked how boring my paper is. I agree, but at least it's solid :) Anyway, wanna try for yourself? See here.


Alpha-version Paper online

Finishing my paper on Human-Computer Interaction, a draft-version is here. Please do not distribute this version as it is not completely ready yet.


The Royles

It's over... I finally knew what day the Royles are broadcasted (Tuesday), and then I read at Bieslog that yesterday's episode was the last one. It is really one of the best comedy's I know -- especially Jim (the father, see picture) was my favourite.

picture: BBC


WinAmp 3.0 released

WinAmp 3.0 has been released! It has a new look, and feels very solid. Now it contains crossfading in the base-installation, a feature I really like.


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